Auto Liability

Automobile liability coverage for the University of Illinois System is provided through the State of Illinois' Auto Liability Program. Central Management Services (CMS) is the state agency that administers this plan. Coverage applies only for state vehicles used in the course of U of I System business.  No personal usage is allowed. Neither the University nor the state of Illinois will insure any driver who uses a university motor vehicle for unauthorized purposes.

The state’s program covers bodily injury and/or property damage that a university employee causes to a third party. However, this plan does not cover any physical damage to vehicles.  The only exception is when a rental vehicle is damaged. In that instance the state plan would be excess over any physical damage coverage supplied in the rental contract. 

The Office of Risk Management also purchases commercial auto policies, mainly to provide coverage for vehicles in loaner programs. We can also insure physical damage coverage for department vehicles as well as liability coverage for uses that CMS might not consider state business but that the system deems should be covered.

For additional and detailed information, please review Section 15, University Motor Vehicles in the Business and Finance Policies and Procedures manual.

Who to Ask

For questions about the state of Illinois Auto Liability Program, contact your campus's auto liability coordinator:

For questions about purchasing commercial liability or physical damage coverage, contact:

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